Late Fall Oyster Mushroom

Late Fall Oyster Mushrooms

Late Fall Oyster Mushroom (Sarcomyxa serotina, formerly Panellus serotinus) is a strange looking mushroom that looks like it belongs in shrek’s swamp. This fungi is sometimes called greenback mushroom because of it’s green hue. The mushroom can come in a variety of colors ranging from greenish yellow, purplish brown and olive green. Late Fall Oyster mushroom is a cold tolerant mushroom that usually starts fruiting after the first frost. These mushrooms are thickier and meatier than normal fungi and have yellowish gills on the underside.

Late Fall Oyster mushrooms gills

The Underside of Late Fall Oyster Mushroom

Despite the strange colors, this mushroom tastes quite good! Late Fall Oyster Mushrooms are great with eggs, stirfrys and soups. Some people like to bread and fry the mushrooms because they taste similar to calamari. This mushroom also has health properties like supporting the liver and the immune system.


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